Growing your own food can be fun, rewarding, and healthful. In addition to delicious food, gardening has many health benefits. Fresh fruits and vegetables are full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Research shows that eating fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet can reduce the risk of longterm diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer.

Gardening has also been shown to improve mental health and lower stress. Some studies have shown that being physically active in nature, or even simple exposure to nature, can improve mood, reduce anxiety, and enhance self esteem. Children can also benefit from growing and caring for edible plants. Some studies have found that kids involved with gardening tend to make healthier food choices, eat more fruits and vegetables, and have improved social skills. Gardening is also a way for families to spend quality time together, manage and share garden tasks, and reap the benefits of the harvest.

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